Car Amplifiers Explained How Many Car Amplifier Channels Do I Need And What Power?

How many Car Amplifier Channels do i need and what power? - car amplifiers explained

IVE has just a new car and I'm not very good with electronics and audio systems, Ive got a new sound system and a plan to get pregnant and a subgroup can someone please explain how my amp channels or to which channel should, inter alia, for EHV field.

How much power needed to be ASWEL? I did not add the capabilities to each speaker or something


lucky_ba... said...

ok i really hope you're havin someone to do the job for you =) a channel in an amplifier is basically a splitter --- 2 channels = 2 speakers / subs, 3 = 3 a.m. to 4 p.m. = 4 .. . Do you understand? If your 200-watt amp has 2 channels which means you can mix up to 100 watts to each channel or 200 watts in bridged (converted /) to 1 by the sound of things you just get some speakers and can more or wire connections with amplifier ... Buy an amp and a pair of 10 or 12 years to make your amplifier is approximately equal to 125% of U-boats combined RMS (450Watt RMS sub = X2 (2 = 1200 ampere watt subs ).... if you decide the speaker amplifier is more likely that a further 4-channel amplifier 400 watts, and probably a compacitor

KB said...

Future Years
You may have a mono-or 2-channel amplifier

To extend the speakers of the car, then you get 4 channels

and yes, you have the powers
Use Watt RMS, not watts max

But if you have 2 boats that were 250 watts RMS into 4 ohms
Then you need an amplifier draws 500 watts RMS into 4 ohms

Reaper-R... said...

^ ^ Suerte ....... Dude !!!!!!!! Tell me, you, whose work his own right stuff? OMFNG
Where the hell did you do that, the amplifier channel is a ?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Split your message gave me a headache at the moment ...

wheres the Tynol?

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