Hybrid Car Tax Deduction 6 Ways We Can Help The Usa Car Makers . No Bail Out Needed.?

6 ways we can help the usa car makers . no bail out needed.? - hybrid car tax deduction

Issue 1) We need the oil companies bail out the auto sector. They have money, and they are the ones who benefit from it directly!

2) Congress should receive a tax credit of $ 5,000, a car that is over 30 mpg to buy. Sales of 4 million cars were only 20 B Govt costs and gain more time in the industry to optimize the product offering.

3). A person who would give $ 5,000 and $ 10,000 for vehicle manufacturers. The person a certificate twice as much money used to buy a car in five or ten years to get. If the company goes bankrupt, was able to reorganize and produce a car within this period, covered by the document after the purchase. When the company went bankrupt and could not afford a car, the federal government has guaranteed the return of a fair rate for the certificate.

4) Obama people have said that to cars is prohibited.

5) When you buy a hybrid American is entitled to deduct any kind and as long as the car you get a tax reduction.

6) If you buy an American car, you pay no sales tax on them.

So, what do you think? What idea do you like? Feel free to include the list.


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